Monday, September 23, 2013

The Senate Must Act



Last Friday you made the House Defund ObamaCare. Patriots like you drove tens of thousands of phone calls and office visits; and because of that, we won.

But the fight isn’t over. To Defund ObamaCare, Republicans must vote NO on cloture in the Senate. They cannot allow Harry Reid to FUND ObamaCare.

We’ve identified ten Senators who may vote yes on cloture. We need you to call them and say: “A vote for cloture is a vote to fund ObamaCare. Vote NO on cloture!”

Call them right now and demand they vote NO on cloture!

Stop ObamaCare in the Senate Email Banner

Harry Reid will try to pass Amendments that fund ObamaCare. Senate Republicans can - and must - stop him.

Every Republican Senator has a choice. Stand with Harry Reid and fund ObamaCare, or stand with Ted Cruz and Defund ObamaCare.

Call these Senators. Tell them to vote NO on cloture and make sure ObamaCare is Defunded!

We can’t afford anymore tricks or backroom deals. A vote for cloture is a vote FOR ObamaCare.

Call Now! The vote could happen as soon as tomorrow.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe Signature

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

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