Friday, August 15, 2014

Ignore This if You Want Obama to Win


Robert, we must stop Obama’s lawless behavior.

He’s giving his cronies special exemptions from ObamaCare, spying on honest Americans without a warrant, and insisting that he doesn’t need Congress to create laws. Robert, this has to stop. We’re working hard to expose Obama’s lies, and hold him and his administration accountable for their actions.

We have a plan. We’re going to force Democrats in conservative states like Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, Louisiana, Arkansas, and across the country to stand with their constituents and oppose Obama’s lawlessness - or we’re going to expose them if they don’t! We have hundreds of thousands of conservatives ready to work right now. And they want to hit the ground running to take their country back. But Robert, if we’re going to have a fighting chance, we need you to donate $50, $35, or $15 today!


Robert, we also need Republicans to stand up to Obama. But if we’re going to make the president listen and hold him accountable to the people, we need to mobilize grassroots conservatives across America. We have a community of over 19k people in Montana, 15k in Alaska, 72k in Louisiana, and hundreds of thousands more in in key states across America. They want to stop Obama’s lawlessness, and they WANT to hold him accountable. They’re ready to work. But if they’re going to make a difference, they need your help today.

Will you chip in $50, $35, or $15 today and help conservative activists make a difference?

Robert, we’ve never given up the fight. We can't stop. And we won't stop. But today, I need your help. I’ve gotten text messages and emails from conservative activists across the country. They want to stop Obama. They’re ready to work, and they're waiting on us. But I can’t give them the help they need without your support. Will you join me in the fight to Take Our Country Back by donating today?

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe Signature

Matt Kibbe
President & CEO, FreedomWorks

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