Friday, January 10, 2014

Spread the good news!

Organizing for Action
Robert --

Here's some good news that's worth sharing:

More than six million Americans already have coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act -- including 2.1 million who signed up for private plans on the health insurance marketplace.

Nobody can deny that fact. Obamacare is working for millions of Americans right now, and every day, more people are signing up for coverage -- many for the first time in their lives.

It's thanks to organizers like you that the Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. Right now, it's up to all of us to fight back against those who are working (and spending millions) to tear it down with myths and outright lies about what the law does.

Today, I'm asking you to simply spread the good news -- share this graphic today:

Spread the good news on health care!

Share on Facebook    Share on Twitter
Sharing something on Facebook or Twitter might not seem like it matters, but the truth is more people than ever before get their news through social media -- simply hitting "Share" could actually help move the dial.

You've probably seen the other side spreading every myth and misconception -- we're the team fighting back, because Obamacare is actually helping millions right now. That's real, and people need to hear it.

It's even more important right now, because there's still time to get covered. January 15th is the next big deadline for folks who want to be covered starting on February 1st.

So share this good news on Facebook today, and show how millions of Americans are getting covered:

Or share it on Twitter:

Thanks again,


Erin Hannigan
Health Care Campaign Manager
Organizing for Action

P.S. -- Want some more great Obamacare stories? We put together a whole host of them to show the naysayers: "This is why health care reform matters" -- check it out and share it far and wide.

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