Monday, December 8, 2014

Check out "Recall Boehner and McConnell Your Thoughts?" on Tea Party Command Center

National Dire…
Check out the discussion 'Recall Boehner and McConnell Your Thoughts?'
If Boehner and McConnell don't fulfill their promises - is there a way to remove them from their positions? Your thoughts?

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Discussion posted by Roni Given:

Recall Boehner and McConnell Your Thoughts?   If Boehner and McConnell do not fulfill their promises of thwarting Obamacare and stopping Ob...

Discussion link:
Recall Boehner and McConnell Your Thoughts?

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1 comment:

  1. It needs to happen to stop obama from wrecking the country..
    Boehner won't fight Obama, and neither will McConnel... If the leadership doesn't fight, then they have to be replaced we have no choice.. Liberty must survive...
