Sunday, January 12, 2014

Getting Ready for 2014



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Are you getting the FreedomWorks Morning Update?

Twice a week, you’ll get the latest insights and analyses of all the fights going on in Washington.

We know how hard it is to keep up with everything that happens on Capitol Hill. By signing up for the FreedomWorks Morning Update, you’ll get a free market, pro-Constitution perspective on the latest news in policy and politics.

Don’t let Washington pull a fast one on you – sign up for the FreedomWorks Morning Update.

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It’s no secret that Washington loves back-room deals. This upcoming week, Congress must pass a spending bill to keep the government operational. Lawmakers are keeping this deal under wraps. They don’t want you to know how your money is being spent.

As a grassroots service center, FreedomWorks wants to keep you informed with what could be another big-spending disaster. By signing up for the FreedomWorks Morning Update, you will be kept up-to-date with any insight we have on this secretive deal. 

You don’t want to be kept in the dark for this.

Stay informed– sign up for the FreedomWorks Morning Update!

We Need a Real IRS Investigation

The Obama administration thinks we’re fools. First the IRS targeted grassroots conservative groups. Obama denied it, and his buddies in the liberal media covered for him.

Now a former Obama donor has been put in charge of the IRS investigation. Barbara Kay Bosserman, one of Obama’s favorite donors, will decide whether or not the IRS abused its power. She can’t be trusted to lead this effort. How are we supposed to believe that there will be an impartial investigation when the person in charge is an Obama donor? How do we know there won’t be another cover-up?

The truth is we can’t. The Obama administration wants to keep the investigation “in-house” so the American people forget about it. We can’t let that happen. This administration harassed innocent patriots. Congress needs to demand an impartial investigator. 

 Demand Congress launch a real investigation of the IRS targeting scandal.

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What FreedomWorks for America is Doing in 2014

2014 just started. And you know what that means: it’s an election year.

FreedomWorks for America is the SuperPAC affiliated with FreedomWorks. The organization’s goal is simple: replace the Progressives and Obama-Republicans with true constitutional conservatives. FreedomWorks for America accepts no substitutes. They only support candidates who will fight the Obama agenda tooth-and-nail.

In 2013 we saw how Democrats govern: with lies and deceit. Obama and his cronies lied about ObamaCare. He told the country “if you like your plan, you can keep it.” Democrats won reelection because of that lie.

In 2014, it’s time to Fire the Liars. FreedomWorks for America is preparing for an all-out fight to fire the Democrats who lied about ObamaCare. Our country is suffering under the Democrat health care takeover. Americans are out of work and losing their health insurance. 

And it’s the Democrats' fault. They lied and average Americans like YOU pay the consequences.

This year, there is a real chance to send the liars packing. There is no place in Congress for liars and crooks. We need more freedom fighters like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. In 2014  we can stop ObamaCare and take our country back.

Take a look at the following video and see FreedomWorks for America’s plan for 2014.

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kibbe fox news interview.pngThis week's video features a Fox News interview given by FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe. In the interview, Kibbe slams the newly proposed IRS regulations and why they threaten the libety of conservatives across the country.

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