Monday, June 2, 2014

Sneaking ObamaCare Past You



Because of your hard work, we’ve been able to stop the disastrous ObamaCare Medicaid expansion… so far. 

But right now a few Virginia State Senators might make it even easier to ignore you and force the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion on Virginians.

Their minds aren’t made up. And you can still stop this by calling them here: Tell them they can’t change the Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission (MIRC).

The rules change they’re considering would allow the MIRC to override the Legislature and expand Medicaid. A majority of Virginians oppose this ObamaCare Expansion.

That is unacceptable. It’s undemocratic. But you can stop them!

Call Senators Stosch, Watkins, and Colgan right now. Tell them to say NO to the proposed changes to the MIRC.

Virginia belongs to the people. We have said NO to the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion already.

Make sure it stays that way.

In Liberty,

Whitney Neal
Director of Grassroots, FreedomWorks

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