Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Check out "Obamacare supporters cough on diners at Trump NYC hotel" on Tea Party Command Center

National Dire…
Check out the discussion 'Obamacare supporters cough on diners at Trump NYC hotel'
I don't think they understand that these little tantrums just make people dislike them.

Discussion posted by National Director, Dee:

Taking a page out of Black Lives Matter's playbook, Obamacare supporters entered a restaurant in Donald Trump's New York City hotel and con...

Discussion link:
Obamacare supporters cough on diners at Trump NYC hotel

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  1. Republican Conrgresscritter goes home, is chased off the platform by her own Republican constituents over her support for repealing the Affordable Care Act.


    Video here:


  2. Abortions decline in US under Obama because Affordable Care Act makes contraception affordable. Republicans want to kill the ACA because they want to see abortions increase.

