Friday, November 7, 2014

Michael Brown's mother under investigation for assault and felony robbery

Michael Brown's mother under investigation for assault and felony robbery

Ferguson police are investigating a fight between members of Michael Brown Jr.'s family on Oct. 18, stemming from a disagreement over who has the right to sell commemorative shirts.

Boehner warns Obama not to 'poison the well' on immigration

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Thursday warned President Barack Obama not to take executive action on immigration or else he takes "the risk of burning" himself. "When you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself," he said. "And [Obama] is going to burn himself if he continues to go down this path. The American people made clear on Election Day they want to get things done, and they don't want the president to act on a unilateral basis."

Obama releases Gitmo terrorist to Kuwait

One of the longest-held prisoners at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay was sent home to Kuwait on Wednesday, the first release based on the determination of a review panel that has been re-evaluating some men previously classified as too dangerous to release.

News, Commentary, Discussions

Boehner, McConnell vow to renew Obamacare fight
The new Republican majority has not yet been seated, but the party is already making its priorities for the next Congress clear, putting repeal of Obamacare at the top of its to-do list.

How the GOP Should Deal With Obama
President Obama's remarks at his postelection news conference were instructive on his attitude about the election results and his approach going forward.

Secret Obama letter to Iranian leader asks for aid to fight ISIS
President Barack Obama's secret message last month to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described a shared interest in fighting the Islamic State.

Below the fold

There's plenty of work ahead for the Republicans

Senate Democrats pull funding for Landrieu run-off ads

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