Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sponsored: Ben Carson: My question for you...

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Firewire from THE BLAZE September 02, 2014
  This is a sponsored message from our friends at American Legacy PAC.  
Save Our Healthcare: Stand with Dr. Ben Carson
Dear American,

You probably know the Republican Party has a very good chance of winning control of the U.S. Senate this November.

But here’s my question for you:

If we, the American people, loan them power without making it clear what we’d like them to do, then what’s the point?

Earlier this year, I helped launch American Legacy PAC's Save Our Healthcare Project with two simple goals - to build support for a series of patient-centered reforms to replace Obamacare, and help elect new leaders this November who share our vision.
Over 350,000 Americans from all 50 states have now signed our national petition, and key candidates in some of this year’s most important races are now signing on as well.

November is right around the corner, and I need your help to continue building this groundswell.

Please sign our national petition to Save Our Healthcare right now and make a secure contribution to help us recruit the next 350,000 people.

I believe Obamacare will be the defining issue of this election, but we must do more than just oppose it. We must also rally the American people around new and better alternatives.

We have an opportunity between now and Election Day to make our position crystal clear to every single candidate running for office - Obamacare is doomed to failure and we must begin working to replace it now.

Every day that we don’t, its roots grow deeper and more permanent.

Please join me now by signing our national petition to Save Our Healthcare, and make a contribution to help us continue reaching out to every American.

Together, we can ensure the American people are back in the driver's seat.

Thank you.
Dr. Ben Carson
Chairman, Save Our Healthcare
American Legacy PAC
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Paid for by American Legacy PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.americanlegacypac.org

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