Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fight back against the states putting politics ahead of people:

Organizing for Action
Robert --

It's simple: Every American deserves access to affordable health care.

That's why we fought for Obamacare. And that's why it's so infuriating that right now -- because 24 state leaders decided to put politics ahead of their people -- 5.7 million Americans don't have access to affordable health insurance.

Under the Affordable Care Act, these folks would get access to coverage through Medicaid expansion. But 24 states have refused. Today, I'm asking OFA supporters across the country to join me in saying enough is enough.

Add your name right now, and tell these state leaders to put people over politics by expanding Medicaid.

What's worse is that this is actually a great deal for these states. For the first several years, Medicaid expansion won't cost states a dime -- later, the state is responsible for covering just 10 percent of the costs.

It's a great, affordable way for governors and state leaders to extend access to affordable health care to millions of their people.

But Medicaid expansion is part of Obamacare -- and some state leaders, like Texas Governor Rick Perry, think it's a good idea to take a symbolic stand by refusing to extend coverage to hard-working Americans.

That's pretty disgusting. You and I are in the business of righting that wrong -- no matter how much work it takes.

Tell state leaders to stop playing political games with people's health care today:



Jon Carson
Executive Director
Organizing for Action

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