Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Townhall Daily - May 01 - Thomas Sowell, Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt, John Stossel, Walter E. Williams and More

New Survey: 55 Percent Say They Were Unaware Planned Parenthood Performed Abortions, Ron Meyer Announces Official Bid For Congress, Poll: Obamacare Support Slumps to 35 Percent,
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Is Obama Terrified of the “Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint? ”
If you’ve already retired, or want to retire soon, I urge you to watch this video presentation before we have to pull it down.
This “Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint ” shows you step-by-step how to grow a monster-sized nest egg with a little time and a tiny grubstake.
Click here to watch this video presentation now.
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell:
Is Thinking Obsolete?
Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin:
The Camp Bastion Cover-Up
Hugh Hewitt Hugh Hewitt:
Memo To Senate: Mandate The Border Fence Be Built Or Kill The Bill
John Stossel John Stossel:
Train Wreck Ahead
Walter E. Williams Walter E. Williams:
Liberal Suffering and Confusion
Brent Bozell Brent Bozell:
Skipping 'Controversial Stings' of the Left
Is Obama Terrified of the “Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint?”
If you’ve already retired, or want to retire soon, I urge you to watch this video presentation before we have to pull it down.
This “Secret $200 Retirement Blueprint” shows you step-by-step how to grow a monster-sized nest egg with a little time and a tiny grubstake.
Click here to watch this video presentation now.
Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg:
Sci-fi Worthy of Malthus
John Ransom John Ransom:
Ezra Klein Meant to Do That
Neal Boortz Neal Boortz:
Is There a Round-Up For Liberals?
Bob Barr Bob Barr:
Food Truck Bullies
Todd Starnes Todd Starnes:
Religious Groups Fear Christian Purge From Military
Terry Jeffrey Terry Jeffrey:
Boehner Must Impanel Special Committee to Investigate Benghazi
Austin Bay Austin Bay:
Cybercrime Morphs Into Cyberwar
Donald Lambro Donald Lambro:
Tax Reform is Quietly Percolating Through Congress
Rachel Marsden Rachel Marsden:
Five major hindrances to counterterrorism efforts
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell:
Can You Name the One Nation in the World with a Higher Corporate Tax Rate than the United States?
Jerry Bowyer Jerry Bowyer:
The Economy Has Nothing To Do With The Stock Markets, Right?
Susan Stamper Brown Susan Stamper Brown:
This Is What Intolerance Smells Like
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez:
Russian Terrorist Connections to Boston Bombers
Charles Payne Charles Payne:
The Curse of Government Help
Jacob Sullum Jacob Sullum:
Are Online Sales Taxes Only Fair?
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson:
What Students Won't Learn During California's Labor History Month
Michael Brown Michael Brown:
A Homophobic Nightmare
Crystal Wright Crystal Wright:
Who Cares Jason Collins is Gay? Obama Shouldn't.
George Friedman George Friedman:
Redlines and the Problems of Intervention in Syria
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock:
Is the US Spending Enough on Education?
Crista Huff Crista Huff:
Stocks in the News: Pitney Bowes, MeadWestvaco, Starwood
Ken Connor Ken Connor:
Want to Know How Washington Really Works? Just Follow the Money
Ralph Benko Ralph Benko:
Dramatic New Respect for the Gold Standard
Catherine Glenn Foster Catherine Glenn Foster:
Kill the Pain, Not the Patient
Ransom Notes Radio Ransom Notes Radio:
Obamacare, Monster, Turns on its Creator
Night Watch Night Watch:
North Korea's Lack of Success
Christopher Merola Christopher Merola:
Marriage and the Constitution
Randall DeSoto Randall DeSoto:
Obamacare: A Progress Report?
Today's Cartoons
Today's Cartoons


Latest Political News


All Air Traffic Controllers Back to Work

Graham: Need to resolve Syria within year

Biden to McCain: Obama 'Knows' If Economy Was Better You Would Have Won

White House: Red Line Not Crossed on Syria

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Bialosky: Now Obama Wants Your Pension
  2. Ransom: Liberals Suck at Math and Eyeballs
  3. Parker: How Abortion Has Changed America
  4. Hunter: Creating Monsters
  5. Kieffer: BENGHAZIGATE
  6. Giles: Jihad On Our Tax Dollars? Screw That.
  7. Barone: Benghazi Report Revives Troubling Questions
  8. Schlichter: Can Marco Rubio Save Marco Rubio From Himself?
  9. Ransom: The Dishonorable Liberal Order of Regulatory Scientists
  10. Cannon: Obama's Damaging Admission
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