Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Check out "Speaker Boehner Rails Against IRS Scandal 'Who's Going To Jail Over This?'" on Patriot Action Network

Standing against big government and for the people!
Darla Dawald,…
Check out the video 'Speaker Boehner Rails Against IRS Scandal 'Who's Going To Jail Over This?''
The House is voting once more on Repealing ObamaCare, they also are going to be holding hearings on the IRS scandal. Who's going to jail for this?

Speaker Boehner Rails Against IRS Scandal 'Who's Going To Jail Over This?'
Speaker Boehner Rails Against IRS Scandal 'Who's Going To Jail Over This?'
The Internal Revenue Service's admitted targeting of conservative groups for additional tax status scrutiny is not just grounds for agency...
Video link:
Speaker Boehner Rails Against IRS Scandal 'Who's Going To Jail Over This?'

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