Friday, May 17, 2013

Heartland Weekly: Week of May 13, 2013



Heartland's Jay Lehr on the Today Show: No Need to Panic about 400 ppm CO2

Heartland Institute Science Director Jay Lehr was interviewed by the “Today Show” on NBC to talk about the “milestone” of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hitting 400 ppm...READ MORE



How Ridiculous Is Net Neutrality? Let the Left's 'Consumer' Groups Demonstrate

Seton Motley, president, Less Government

These aren’t “consumer” interest groups – they’re government interest groups.Their entire existence is a ruse.  Which we occasionally get to fully see – in all its absurd glory ... READ MORE



Research & Commentary: Ending "Too Big to Fail"

Matthew Glans, The Heartland Institute

The Terminating Bailouts for Taxpayer Fairness Act would do little to stop bailouts for companies considered systematically important while reducing the availability of credit and slowing economic growth...READ MORE


Instead of Obamacare, How About Puppycare?

Benjamin Domenech, The Heartland Institute

The most overlooked finding in the recently released Oregon Medicaid study is that the uninsured already receive considerable health care. On average, the uninsured had 5.5 office visits annually, used 1.8 prescription drugs, and visited the emergency room once...READ MORE


Obama's Common Core Is Not 'State-Led'

Joy Pullmann, The Heartland Institute

Labeling a dog a "chicken" does not make it good for soup. Precise, accurate definitions are essential to good government, so the people who are supposed to be controlling it -- the public -- know exactly what's going on....READ MORE



Sorry Global Warmists, But Extreme Weather Events Are Becoming Less Extreme

James M. Taylor, The Heartland Institute

New data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration show the past 12 months set a record for the fewest tornadoes in recorded history...READ MORE



Research & Commentary: Maine Tax Reform

Matthew Glans, The Heartland Institute

The recently introduced Act to Modernize and Simplify the Tax Code would replace the state’s current three-bracket income tax with a flat tax of 4 percent and a 0 percent rate on very low incomes..READ MORE



Climate Change Weekly

James M. Taylor, The Heartland Institute

Taylor writes a weekly e-newsletter for Heartland titled Climate Change Weekly, which reports on current stories regarding the reality of climate change. READ MORE



NIPCC Update

New research summarized in NIPCC Update, a weekly email edited by Heartland Senior Fellow Craig Idso, Ph.D. and produced by Heartland and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). READ MORE



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Podcasts of the Week:

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I, Pencil Movie Screening
Tuesday, May 21

6:00 p.m.
The Union League Club

65 W. Jackson Blvd. #710

Chicago, IL 60154

(register here)


Join Congressman Peter Roskam for a discussion on Medicare Part D

Wednesday, May 29

3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The Unior

65 W. Jackson Blvd

Room 700

Chicago, IL 60604

(register here)



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