Friday, May 3, 2013

REMINDER 5/14 Meeting - Common Core Education Takeover

Alexandria Tea Party
Common Core Educational Standards
Tuesday May 14, 2013 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM EDT
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Sherwood Regional Library
2501 Sherwood Hall Ln
Meeting Room
Alexandria, VA 22306
Driving Directions

Common Core and Longitudinal Data Systems
- Bark or Bite in Virginia?

The alarm has been sounded about the federal Common Core education standards and Longitudinal Data System (LDS) for public school students.

It is said that Common Core:

*       Forces nation-wide curricula, instructional materials and tests on public schools

*       Hinders state lawmakers - even Governors - from changing content standards in their own schools

*       Places undue emphasis on group learning and teams

*       Will accelerate the 'dumbing down' of America and leave students unprepared for college

*       Will entrap private schools as the SAT college entrance exam is aligned with Common Core

*       Is being sold on the false pretense of aiding America's "international competitiveness"

*       Is being pushed by a crony capitalist web of familiar Progressive education groups (including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), educational testing companies, and information systems contractors, and

*       Violates the Elementary & Secondary Education Act

It is argued that the Longitudinal Data System:

*       Gives the federal government access to over 400 data points collected on each student, including disciplinary records, healthcare information, family income, party affiliation, and religion

*       Abolishes parental consent in allowing the release of student data

*       Constitutes an unlawful 'Big Brother' national student database , and

*       Violates the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Common Core and LDS will end local control of public schools and allow the federal government to track everyone from pre-school to the workforce, turning them into robots to serve their government masters in a centrally planned global economy. 

Or will they?  What's the situation in Virginia? Will recent federal LDS regulations override the state's excellent existing privacy protections for student data? And what does it mean that the Virginia Department of Education formerly said it wanted to mesh Common Core with our own Standards of Learning, but now wants to make sure that Common Core does not LOWER our standards?

Jane Hogan will be with us to help us sort this all out.  Jane is an assiduous researcher in education issues who has made presentations to Tea Parties and other groups around the state. She is an international relations graduate from Stanford who formerly held teaching certificates in California, Georgia, and Tennessee. She also worked in IT and is the grandmother of 15.  Jane wants decent public education available for her own family and the entire country.


Please join us!

 Click on the link below to register.

-ATP Executive Committee


Meeting Room

Sherwood Regional Library

2501 Sherwood Hall Ln 

Alexandria, Virginia 22306

6:30pm  - 9pm (program starts at 7pm)



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