Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sponsored: Tell Boehner No Surrender

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Firewire from THE BLAZE January 14, 2015
  This is a sponsored message from our friends at FreedomWorks.  
FreedomWorks - Stop Common Core

Fellow Patriot,

Congress is in session and Republicans control the House and Senate.

That means no more excuses, no more half-measures, no more backdoor deals, no retreats, and no surrender. Republicans must stand up to Obama and fight for a Liberty Agenda - the agenda you voted for!

Repeal ObamaCare, cut the size of government, rein in the NSA, and hold Obama accountable for his lawless actions. Republicans ran on stopping him and restoring America. Now they need to keep their word.

Demand Mitch McConnell and John Boehner pass a principled liberty agenda now.

The Republican Establishment has spent the past 6 years cutting deals. They've let progressives like Obama, Reid, and Pelosi win.

That ends now.

We need to stop America's 6-year-long progressive nightmare. Now is that time. And that means Republican Leadership needs to keep their word.

Tell Mitch McConnell and John Boehner to put a principled liberty agenda on Obama's desk.

Obama is threatening to ignore the will of the American people and use his veto power to stop us. He's insisting he'll rule with a pen. But we can't let him win – not this time.

We must stand up for limited government and more freedom this year. Together, we can stop Obama and restore the Constitution.

But you must act TODAY.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe
President and CEO, FreedomWorks

Rocket Fuel

400 North Capitol Street, NW Suite 765 Washington, DC 20001

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