Friday, March 22, 2013

Morning Briefing: Lies, Liars, and Tom Ridge


Morning Briefing

For March 22, 2013

1.  Tom Ridge: Unindicted Co-conspirator

In Philadelphia we are being treated to the logical outcome of unprincipled pseudo-conservatism. An abortionist by the name of Kermit Gosnell is on trial for murder because some of the infants he was supposed to kill were inconveniently born alive. Gosnell's defense is that the babies of poor and minority women deserve to be killed and to prosecute him is racism. That's right. Racism. But Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge is at least as responsible as Gosnell. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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2.  Senate Republicans Willfully and Knowingly Lie to Their Constituents

Last night, having noted the list of Republicans in the Senate who voted to fund Obamacare in yesterday's Morning Briefing, I went through a series of emails from readers.

Readers from Texas, Kentucky, Utah, South Dakota, and Georgia all had the same story. They'd called the offices of Senators Chambliss, Cornyn, Hatch, Thune, McConnell, and Isakson to object to those senators funding Obamacare. They were all told by these Senate offices that these Senators had voted to defund Obamacare or, in the case of Senator Cornyn's office, that there had been no vote on defunding Obamacare.

These Senators and their staffs are lying. They voted to fund Obamacare. More troubling, they know they did it.

Yesterday, on the floor of the Senate, Mitch McConnell again said, "Obamacare is a colossal mistake for our country. . . . We need to start all over. This bill needs to be repealed and it needs to be replaced. . . . And anyone who thinks we've given up this fight is dead wrong."

It's similar to what he said at CPAC. I am sure he will keep on saying it.

But, Senator McConnell and a sizable portion of the Republican Conference voted to fund Obamacare and now they are lying about doing so.

Here's how they are doing it.

The continuing resolution they voted for funds Obamacare.

Senator Ted Cruz offered an amendment to defund Obamacare. All of the Republicans in the Senate voted for that amendment, but that amendment failed.

So that gets us back to the continuing resolution, which funds Obamacare. Senator McConnell voted for it. By voting for the continuing resolution he was voting to fund Obamacare. Same with these others. In fact, a majority of the Republican Senate Conference voted against the continuing resolution in part because it funds Obamacare. But the following Senators voted to pass the continuing resolution even though it still funds Obamacare.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  We Must Take Care of Our Own

What are conservatives supposed to think when they elect 240 members to Congress who ran as limited government warriors, only to find a few dozen members actually fighting for those values when it counts?  Were they all a bunch of frauds?

Undoubtedly, there are many Republicans in Congress who never were conservatives from day one or who never understood the true meaning of conservatism when they ran for Congress.  That probably accounts for the majority of the wayward members in varying degrees.

However, there are a number of drifters who genuinely enter their freshman year as insurgent conservatives – members who believe that GOP leadership is just as much of the problem as Democrats.  But then something happens.  They meet some of these establishment veterans and become part of a conference.  Far from being the devil that some conservatives think he is, John Boehner is actually a very decent likable man.  Unlike other members of leadership, he is not seeking to remake the party.  Heck, you certainly can't accuse this chain-smoking Ohioan from a family of 12 siblings of being a cocktail circuit country-clubber.  He is just too much a part of the status quo and fears confrontation too much to be an effective leader.  That does not negate his ability to connect even with the most combative conservatives.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

4.  Winners cheat, nobody should lose, and the State will make everything fair

Forward-thinking principle David Fabrizio of Ipswich Middle School finds himself in hot water for taking the "progressive" ethos to its absurd extremes: he canceled Honors Night because it makes the kids who didn't earn honors feel bad. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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