Friday, March 15, 2013

Check out "LibertyNEWS TV - "Obamacare Outrage - Here's the Latest"" on Patriot Action Network

Standing against big government and for the people!
Darla Dawald,…
Check out the video 'LibertyNEWS TV - "Obamacare Outrage - Here's the Latest"'

LibertyNEWS TV - "Obamacare Outrage - Here's the Latest"
LibertyNEWS TV - "Obamacare Outrage - Here's the Latest"
The monster that is Obamacare continues to stomp its way across America. And our health insurance premiums? How high can they go? Norvell R...
Video link:
LibertyNEWS TV - "Obamacare Outrage - Here's the Latest"

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