Begin forwarded message:
From: Jim Denkert <>
Subject: Recycling Fees
Date: October 3, 2012 7:00:42 PM EDT
To: George Hrichak <>
Cc: " Zaremba" <>, "Sheila S. Noll" <>, Thomas Shepperd <>, Don Wiggins <>, The Tuscany Forum <>
Bcc:, Pete Romeo <>
Hi George,
I hope you & your family are doing well and your wife is well on her way to getting back on her feet.
I have a few questions regarding the new recycling fees being discussed by the BoS.
The letter from the County Administrator to the BoS proposes an increase in the monthly solid waste fee from $12.25 to $18.50. Today's Daily Press says $5 of the increase is for recycling while the rest is for "an increase in costs associated with curbside pickup". The County Administrator's letter makes no mention of any other costs, although it does mention tracking participation in the recycling program and a rewards program if a "certain level of participation is achieved". However, the Daily Press article also mentions a cost of $24 per month if we choose not to participate in the recycling program.
Given that York County residents "voted" overwhelmingly with their hard earned dollars to NOT participate in the recycling program if left to their own choices, these recent developments immediately raised quite a few questions for me. If memory serves, something less than 20% of York County households signed up for a revised recycling program when it was offered just a few months ago when the money would have come from our own pockets on top of all other taxes & fees. I'm sure others will likely have the same questions and (in the interest of full disclosure) I intend to share this email w/ the Tuscany Forum. So......
Why does the BoS believe the recycling program should be continued in spite of the fact county residents have clearly shown we're not interested in paying for it? Specifically, why does the BoS feel it is the citizen's best interest to be overridden by the BoS in this matter?
Who specifically came up with the idea to charge residents $24 per month if we choose not to participate? Again, this fee was not mentioned in the County Administrator's letter to the BoS. Quite frankly, this proposal appears to be the York County version of ObamaCare - you will pay because Big Brother says you will regardless of whether you want or need the service. And if you don't need or want the service we're going to penalize you.
What level of participation is required before the rewards program kicks in? What is the cost of this rewards program?
Why do York County citizens who already pay for weekly trash pickup by the County have to pay $5 per month for recycling while people who pay for private trash pickup only have to pay $4 per month for recycling?
Why does the County Administrator believe it is necessary to track each household's participation in the recycling program? Will this tracking system be used to penalize residents who pay for recycling but don't actually participate in the program? What is the TOTAL cost of this tracking system to include software, personnel, and any other administrative costs? Please see above reference to Big Brother.
Why can't York County simply let the current recycling contract expire as scheduled and eliminate the program or find another contractor who is willing to take the recycled materials and sell them as they desire to pay for the program?
I remain concerned about the level of spending and bureaucracy in our County Government. The consistent claims from the BoS of poverty and inability to adequately support existing infrastructure or take care of employees while it continues to spend money on luxuries (such as the $2.87M 1.5 mile long bike path) is falling on deaf ears.
If the BoS hears anything please hear this - we're tired of ever rising taxes and fees at all levels of government. The only ones getting raises these days is the government and that's a problem. York County doesn't have a tax problem - it has a spending problem.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing the answers to our questions shortly.
Jim Denkert
In Victory
Mary Leedom
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