Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Is the election over?

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Thompson's America

October 2, 2012



(Today's Feature)

Is The Election Over?

Well, how’d you like the outcome of the Presidential election?  I know that some of you were surprised that Obama could win, what with his total ineptness in presiding over the slowest economic recovery in modern times, a real unemployment rate in double digits, close to zero economic growth, and $6 trillion dollars added to our national debt, dividing our nation for his own political gain, and promises of more of the same.

The Media Declared The Election Over, But This Means Nothing

You may be asking yourselves:  “What was it that the American people failed to understand?”  And, “Where do we go now?”

What do you mean the election is not over yet?  Haven’t you been listening to the mainstream media?  Haven’t you seen the poll numbers?  They’ve declared the election over.  Obama won.  Never mind that we’re on the road to economic disaster and are under attack around the world as the Obama Administration desperately tries to cover it up.

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Fred Thompson

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Fred's Tweets

Obama: "you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside." Don't worry, Mr. President. We're on it. Click here for the full story.

Golf groups ask GOP to stop making so many Obama golf jokes. Kinda hard when Obama's asking for a mulligan on his whole first term Read more here.

Right Now On FredThompsonsAmerica.com

How A Second Obama "Apology" Term Puts America At Risk

What Mitt Should Have Said

Obama's Past, Mitt on Medicare, and Other "Ask Fred" Replies

The Arab Spring, Obama's Fail

A Foreign Policy and It's Consequences

Not A Neighborly Day In The Brotherhood

"Ask Fred" Replies

Recent featured articles by Fred Thompson





Is the election over?

Obama: "You can't change Washington from the inside"

Golf group asks GOP to stop making Obama gold jokes


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