Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Townhall Daily - October 16 - Thomas Sowell, John Ransom, John Hawkins, David Limbaugh, Mona Charen and More

Never Count a Clinton Out, Clinton on Benghazi: "I Take Responsibility" , McMahon Promises Bipartisanship for Connecticut in Senate Race,
Townhall Daily Newsletter
Columnists Columnists Tipsheet News Cartoons Videos
Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell:
Random Thoughts
John Ransom John Ransom:
Drought! Famine! Global…Cooling?
John Hawkins John Hawkins:
25 People, Places, And Things Barack Obama Loves To Hate
David Limbaugh David Limbaugh:
A More Aggressive Obama Still Won't Make the Grade
Mona Charen Mona Charen:
Companies Are Evil, So It's OK to Lie about Them
Cal  Thomas Cal Thomas:
Biden vs. Ryan: Old vs. New
Dennis Prager Dennis Prager:
Joe Biden's Religion: Catholicism or Leftism?
Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan:
Behind the Benghazi Cover-up
Debra J. Saunders Debra J. Saunders:
Can Either of These Guys Govern?
Shawn Mitchell Shawn Mitchell:
Obama Derangement Syndrome vs. Obama Denial Disorder
Dave Ramsey Dave Ramsey:
Dave Says: Mutual Funds not Appropriate for Car Fund
Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg:
Deep Into the Weeds: Notes on a Debate of the Second Class
Rich Galen Rich Galen:
The Sagging Obama Campaign
Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell:
Another British Healthcare Horror Story: UK Death Panels
Kyle Olson Kyle Olson:
Despite 54% Graduation Rate, Buffalo Union Officials Campaign for Obama – in Ohio
Mary Grabar Mary Grabar:
Wear Your Romney/Ryan T-Shirt
Bill Murchison Bill Murchison:
Smilin' Joe and the Democratic Way of Life
Matt Barber Matt Barber:
The Most Important Election in History
Bob Beauprez Bob Beauprez:
The "Not My Fault" Administration
Chris Poindexter Chris Poindexter:
Gold Prices Stabilize
Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock:
Recovery, Monetary Policy, and Demographics: NY Fed vs. Mish Analysis
Night Watch Night Watch:
Egypt's Accidental President
Daniel Pipes Daniel Pipes:
Ankara at War
Peter Schiff Peter Schiff:
Inflation: Washington is Blind to Main Street's Biggest Concern
Armstrong Williams Armstrong Williams:
How Could the President and Secretary of State Allow this to Happen?
Marvin Olasky Marvin Olasky:
In Church, Remember that it's Sunday, but Tuesday's Coming
Paul Rondeau Paul Rondeau:
Did the GOP Throw Away a Pro-Life Senate Seat?
Paul  Kengor Paul Kengor:
Joe Biden Makes History
Bill Tatro Bill Tatro:
Extra: World Bankers Eat Sushi
Jack Kerwick Jack Kerwick:
The Kentucky Debate: Joe Biden and Abortion
Scottie Hughes Scottie Hughes:
Dirty Dishes, Divorce, and Democracy
Today's Cartoons
Today's Cartoons


Latest Political News


Past Surprises in Townhall-Style Presidential Debates

SNL Parodies Lively VP Debate

Female Celebrities Attack Romney's Anti-Abortion Agenda in New Ad

Arlen Specter: A Life of Tenacity

Headline News

Yesterday's Top 10 Columns
  1. Parker: On the Road to Death Panels
  2. Barone: Biden and Obama Run a Campaign Fit for the 1980s
  3. Bialosky: Believe it – Employment Numbers Were Ginned
  4. Baisley: And Now He's Ticked Off Hillary
  5. Cannon: Why Sebelius Campaigns So Hard for Her Boss — and Why He Won't Fire Her
  6. Ransom: Lying From Behind on Libya
  7. Kieffer: Dagny Taggart Goes to War
  8. Jacoby: The Moral Giant and the Leftist Creep
  9. Blackwell: Stuff
  10. Galen: The Sagging Obama Campaign
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