Monday, October 1, 2012

Morning Briefing: Potemkin Recovery


Morning Briefing

For October 1, 2012

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1. Obama's Fourth Recovery Summer Ends

So, are you better off today than you were in 2009?

One of the stunning things about the utterly supine press in the United States is that we have lived through the worst four years of economic mismanagement in this nation's history. Not even Gerald Ford wearing his WIN (Whip Inflation Now) button and Jimmy Carter declared energy independence as the Moral Equivalence Of War (a contender for the unfortunate acronym award: MEOW) can compete with the utter fecklessness of this administration.

By any conceivable measure, we are much worse off today than we were four years ago. In the best areas of the economy we are stagnant.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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2. Obama Skips Intel Briefings. WaPo Fact Checker Covers It Up.

We've let this particular bit of egregious "fact checking" by the Washington Post's "fact checker", the rather credulous Glenn Kessler, slide for lack of time.

Background: On the day before our Benghazi consulate was sacked and our embassy in Cairo invaded, Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen wrote a column headlined "Why is Obama skipping more than half of his daily intelligence meetings?" In this column he asked a very valid question that no one else at the Washington Post seemed interested in asking . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3. The Potemkin Employment Increase

This is just another installment in the decline of of American into cargo cult economics and the aid and assistance that the media is giving the administration in building a narrative of progress despite near universal evidence of economic stagnation if not outright collapse.

Last week the Bureau of Labor Statistics released an "adjustment" which revised employment data showing the Obama regime has — surprisingly — added 386,000 more jobs than previously estimated. The first question is why this "adjustment" was released this month when in the past it was corrected in March. That, of course, is a rhetorical question.

The reason and timing are obvious. Our economy is in the tank by all objective measures and the regime desperately needs . . . please click here for the rest of the post

4. Joe Biden Plays Doctor. Hilarity Ensues.

America's Rain Man, Joe Biden, made a campaign appearance in Florida last week. During the appearance Biden promised that Obamacare would provide free colonoscopies to all comers. … In a way, this extraordinary promise, that you can get a colonoscopy for free based on a "feeling you had" is a metaphor for the travesty that the Obama regime has inflicted upon the nation in the name of making better medical care available to anyone. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson

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