Monday, October 22, 2012

The endorsements Obama loves (not really)

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The endorsements Obama loves (not really)

As a rule, politicians love endorsements. They often trumpet the endorsements they receive.

As a rule, voters can tell something about a candidate by the endorsements he or she receives.

President Barack Obama has some endorsements that are probably not going to be showing up on the front page of his campaign website. It would be great if Bob Schieffer would cite these endorsements during the last debate, but it probably won't happen.

Who are these endorsers that Obama would prefer America not know about.

Hugo Chavez, the dictator of Venezuela, has endorsed Obama.  So has Cuba's Raul Castro. Does anyone really believe that these two want America to be strong?  If they think Obama is a great choice, what does that say about the president?

Vladimir Putin of Russia has endorsed Barack Obama.  You remember Putin?  He's the one that Barack Obama was talking about when he told Dmitri Medvedyev that he needed some space until after the election, and then he would have flexibility to help Putin.

Putin is the resurrection of the old Soviet empire. Does anyone think he wants a strong America?  Does anyone think that Putin wants an America that would compete with Russia?

If Putin is endorsing Obama, what does that say about the president?

These three endorsements are bad enough.  They should be enough to send voters fleeing Obama en masse to Mitt Romney.  There is another one that is just as bad, if not worse.

The Communist Party of the United States has endorsed Barack Obama.

Isn't that special. The Communist Party is the same group that aided and abetted our enemies during the Cold War. Its members cheered dictators around the world.  They are the ones who support the ideology that has killed somewhere near 1 billion people in the last century, through war, poverty and persecution. These people want to overthrow the United States and replace it with a socialist dictatorship.

And these people think Barack Obama should be re-elected?

You can tell a lot about people by their friends.

Barack Obama's friends provide plenty of reasons not to re-elect him to another term.

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Obama's campaign army grows 10% to nearly 1,000 employees

In a sharp contrast to Mitt Romney's 400 employees, the Obama campaign has nearly 1,000 employees, a gain of 10 percent in the last month, with Robert Gibbs earning $60,000 for the month, The Washington Times reports.

Fox News special details Benghazi terror and cover up

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Battery maker's staff plays cards, video games on taxpayer dime

LG Chem in Holland, Mich., the recipient of a $151 million DOE grant, is experiencing a slowdown in the battery business. In fact, it's so slow that employees are filling their empty time playing cards and video games, The Daily Caller reports.

Obama's pension plan has investments in China and Cayman Islands

As the Obama campaign continually attacks Mitt Romney for investing in overseas funds, President Obama's pension fund also has investments in China and the Cayman Islands, The Daily Caller reports.

American's savings accounts dwindle; 40 percent have less than $500

A survey shows that despite owning big houses and a 401k plan, more than 40 percent of Americans have $500 or less in available savings to draw on, CBS Philadelphia reports.

Stimulus spending goes unreported for 2012

For the last four quarters, the Obama administration has not reported to Congress the effects of the $833 billion stimulus, despite requirements to do so, The Weekly Standard reports.

At least 34 taxpayer-assisted green energy firms are failing

The Heritage Foundation publishes a list of the 34 green energy companies which received federal funds that are either failing or have gone bankrupt and identifies others that may soon be added to the list.

Tea Party bus in the midst of 23 state "get out tour"

The Tea Party Express Mobile Call Center, which is in the midst of an 81-day, 23-state tour, arrived outside Austin, Texas, offering support to GOP congressional candidate Kurt Bills, The Austin Daily Herald reports.

Medicare increases will cut into Social Security cost-of-living adjustment

An expected 7 to 9 percent increase in Medicare part B premiums will cut into or negate any rise in Social Security benefits, which are expected to receive a cost-of-living adjustment of 1.7 percent, CDN reports.

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