Monday, March 10, 2014

Should Obama be impeached?

PAN's Grassfire Update:

Dear Patriot,

President Obama has done it again. For the 20th time, America's "Radical-in-Chief" has changed his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), to once again suit his political needs. On Wednesday, the Obama administration announced that insurers can now wait until 2017 -- after the next presidential election -- before canceling non-ACA compliant insurance plans.

According to the Galen Institute, a not-for-profit health and tax policy research organization: "This extension will prevent a wave (of) cancellation notices from going out before the 2014 midterm elections."

Last week's announcement is just the latest example of the President and his minions re-writing the ACA for purely political reasons. Whatever doesn't bolster Democrats' chances in this year's midterm elections or the 2016 elections is simply changed or delayed without congressional approval and without fixing the real problems of ObamaCare.

+ + Obama Again Fails To Fulfill Oath Of Office

The Galen Institute also notes that "more than 37 significant changes already have been made to ObamaCare: at least 20 that President Obama has made unilaterally, 15 that Congress has passed and the president has signed, and two by the Supreme Court."

This latest "unilateral" ObamaCare change is simply more proof that America's 44th president consistently fails to fulfill his oath of office to "faithfully ... preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

We are a nation of laws, and as explained in Article 1, Section 1 of the Constitution: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." The president doesn't have the power to change laws or choose not to enforce them, yet Obama does both anyway.

+ + Should President Obama Be Impeached?

Grassfire has launched an important survey for our team members. We want to know if you think President Obama should be impeached.

After learning last week that 118 House Republicans have co-signed a Stop This Overreaching Presidency resolution (H. Res. 442), we wondered if Grassfire Nation wants those lawmakers to go even further. Should Congress draft articles of impeachment against President Obama?

If you support removing our "Radical-in-Chief" from office, go here now to sign the national petition calling on Congress to impeach Barack Obama:

It's clear that a groundswell of support for impeachment is growing among conservatives. But it's not one or two comments or actions that make the case to remove the President from office. Rather, it's his litany of scandals and "long train of abuses" of presidential power.

Again, more than half of the Republican members of the House have already signed the Stop This Overreaching Presidency resolution. If you want Congress to do more to stop this "runaway president," click here to add your name to the petition to impeach Barack Obama.

Thank you, in advance, for taking action.

The Grassfire and Patriot Action Network Teams

P.S. This week, the President Obama again changed ObamaCare to suit his political agenda. It's the latest in our "Radical-in-Chief's" long train of abuses against the Constitution and the American people. Click here to sign the.

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