Thursday, March 27, 2014

No ObamaCare in the Budget



Thanks to the hard work and pressure of grassroots activists like you, the Virginia State Legislature failed to pass the ObamaCare Medicaid expansion during the legislative session.

But we can’t celebrate yet. Obama's puppet Governor Terry McAuliffe called a special session of the state legislature to ram through the ObamaCare expansion. He thinks he can pass it by attaching it to the budget.

We MUST stop ObamaCare - we can't let that happen! This may be our last chance to stop ObamaCare's expansion in Virginia. And that means we need your help!

Call these key Senators and tell them to separate the budget from the ObamaCare expansion.

The ObamaCare expansion cannot be attached to the annual budget. Anyone who supports this legislative trickery supports ObamaCare.

We can’t let them hold our state hostage to enact their Progressive policies.

It’s up to you. You have to make the call today. This is the only way we can stop the ObamaCare expansion. And that's why we must convince these Senators to remove the ObamaCare expansion from the budget. THEN, we can stop the ObamaCare expansion once and for all.

Call these Senators – let them know you don’t support the ObamaCare expansion.

Make the call right now.

In Liberty,

Matt Kibbe Signature

Matt Kibbe
President & CEO, FreedomWorks

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