Friday, December 7, 2012

Troubles Ahead, Troubles Behind

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Now that the election is over, the prospect of the "repeal and replace" of ObamaCare is virtually nil. But that was never the greatest threat to the law anyway. The real threat lies with its implementation.

The law was so poorly conceived and so poorly written that everything the government was supposed to implement is way behind schedule and most of it will likely end in failure.

Their abysmal track record is only setting the stage for the big failure to come: the health insurance exchanges. These are supposed to be operational by October 2013 -- just 11 months from now, but virtually nothing has been done to create them. In the end, these exchanges will be so poorly organized and managed that few insurers will choose to participate and many of those will likely drop out in frustration.

The Republicans may have lost this election, but a year from now millions of people may be begging to be freed from the scourge of ObamaCare's exchanges.

Thank you for your support as we continue to fight against big government!

Richard Walker
Chief Operating Officer

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