Thursday, December 20, 2012

Morning Briefing: Plan B


Morning Briefing

For December 20, 2012

1.  Obama's Outrageousness

Lost in the midst of the fiscal cliff drama are President Obama's outrageous offers. A cursory review of his plans reveals he is fundamentally unserious about addressing our nation's coming fiscal crisis. This should come as no surprise, of course. Throughout his presidency and even during his reelection campaign, President Obama spurned serious solution in favor of big-government gimmicks.

President Obama's initial offer was, as Heritage said, "totally misguided." The package consisted of "at least $4 of tax increases to $1 of spending cuts." Funny, I don't think Americans in swing states saw Obama for America running ads touting a $1.6 trillion tax increase. Nor did the Obama campaign announce they'd ask for carte blanche authority to increase the nation's debt limit. They saved all of that for AFTER they were guaranteed another four years. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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2. A Time for Choosing

Obama has spent four years asserting that his plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire on the top two brackets is not a tax increase, rather just a continuation of the current law (pursuant to the sunset provision) for the wealthy, and a tax cut for 98% of taxpayers.   Republicans spent the past 4 years sans the last month arguing that this would constitute a job killing tax hike, and that we needed to cut spending, not raise taxes.

Last month, Republicans began to use the parlance of the left by saying that we need to raise revenue and that it will come from the rich.  However, they swore that it would only come through closing deductions (which they began referring to as loopholes), not raising marginal rates.  Well, now Boehner is putting a proposal before the House to raise the marginal rate on those earning more than $1 million.  We have come full circle.

There is absolutely no benefit to voting for this over voting for full extension (along with repeal of Obamacare tax hikes and a further middle class tax cut).  Either way, Obama has promised to veto the bill, so why die on a hill that is unprincipled and that will get us on record as facilitating a tax increase? . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  Meet the Bosses of the Ohio Education Association

Ohio Education Association (OEA) President Patricia Frost-Brooks was paid $267,916 in dues taken from Ohio teachers during fiscal year 2012, according to the union's latest staff and officer data submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor. More than a hundred OEA employees and officers were paid six figures during the same period, as the union gave $77,500 to progressive groups who demonize "the rich" in the name of bigger government. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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