| | Jim DeMint: 'I'm not with Boehner' Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who shocked Washington on Thursday with the announcement that he would resign his Senate seat in January to become president of the the Heritage Foundation, sent a parting shot at Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) ... (more) | | Washington has forgotten who holds the power. The Washington scallywags mistakenly imagine that a bunch of liberal misfits speak for America. They can’t be more wrong! Believe it or not, the Washington scoundrels are under a misconception they believe the Tea Party has gone to sleep, faded into oblivion and no longer is a power worth reckoning with. The liberal blowhards are bellowing their hot-air proclamation that the Tea Party has just run out of tea and it’s all over. It is now time to tell Washington ‘the Tea Party is Coming’ We are on a collision course with socialism. Get this; we are going to send a powerful pre-written fax blast from our State of The Art Fax Blast System to all 100 Senators and all 435 Members of the House of Representatives, 535 fax pages in total! It’s about time! This powerful pre-written fax blast will notify the Washington Electorate the Tea Party is pissed off miffed and if you voted for ObamaCare, ObamaTax, endorsed the leftist socialist agenda or have drank the liberal Kool-Aid we have you on our radar for un-election! FIRE! To add some fire to our message we are going to send them a special Tea Party Flag! That’s right! We have designed a special Tea Party Flag that can be printed out on any Washington Fax machine! It’s a Secret! What the public doesn’t know is all the Washington Representatives have a fax system which views and prints color! So when you send your Tea Party Flag fax blast with its powerful pre-written message Washington can view it and know: ‘The Jig Is Up!’ Their political days are numbered! Believe me, our friends will see this as an encouragement; our socialist foes will see it as the end of their political career! YES, it is time to fax blast the first load! Your fax blast could be the one ‘Seen Round The World’ Send all 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House of Representatives, 535 in total pages for only $ 49.11 READ THIS! Just think when a Congressman opens his fax thinking it will be the usual text, only to find the image of the Tea Party Flag will shock him and haunt him until he is either un-elected or quits. For those who didn’t get it yet, keep reading! Question: How much am I going to invest into restoring America by sending this powerful message and the Tea Party Flag fax to all 100 Senators and all 435 Members of the House of Representatives? Answer: $ 49.11 ! That’s it! All 100 Senators, all 435 Members of the House and a few dollars left over will support the Tea Party! Not only that, but the standard donation is $76.76 has been reduced to $ 49.11 ! Save over $27.00 by ordering now! Here it is, you can now send your HOT fax blast to all 100 Senators, and 435 Members of the House boiling hot faxes! ‘Fax A Flag’ Here is a copy of the ‘Fax A Flag’ you’ll be sending from our State of The Art Fax Blast System WE WILL RESTORE AMERICA — BE ENCOURAGED ! The Tea Party is still building our ranks! Either you are for us or against us. This depends on if you have aligned yourself with the socialist agenda of the Obama administration, or, endorsed the U.S. Constitution and Conservative Values. TeaPartyFlagDontTread200 Fax A Flag If you have aligned yourself with the socialist agenda, we will do everything within our legal power to un-elect or impeach you and send you home. If you have aligned yourself with the U.S. Constitution and Conservative values we will do everything in our Constitutional power to get you re-elected and keep you in Washington. REMEMBER, every time you see the flag of the Tea Party you will know ‘We The People’ are turning up the heat in Washington. Either you can feel comfort knowing millions of voters are on your side or pack your bags, because, you’re going home. This fax has been sent to you by just one of the tens of millions of Tea Party members: [NAME] [ADDRESS] [CITY], [STATE] [ZIP] | Awesome isn’t it! Can you imagine the look on the face of the liberal bleeding heart when they look at their fax page only to see the Tea Party Flag shocker! Our State of The Art Fax Blast System is compared to none! You can send all 100 Senators, 435 Members of the House of Representative, 535 fax pages directly into the heart of the beast! We are going to send all 100 Senators and 435 Members of the House of Representatives, 535 in total pages for only: $ 49.11 YES! We are so concerned about our beloved nation; we are going to put our money where our mouth is! Fax Blast 535 Fax Pages, Right Now and save over $ 27.00! You are going to step up and tell Washington: The Tea Party is Coming, The Tea Party is Coming! Our standard DONATION is $76.76, but right now you are going to send all 535 fax pages for only $ 49.11! That’s a savings of over $27.00! All 100 Senators and All 435 Members of the House of Representatives Total 535 Fax Pages for: $76.76 Only - $ 49.11 NOTE: [ONLY] Your name, address, city, State and Zip from the donation page will be used to fulfill your fax blast and will start the processing once you push ‘Submit.’ Be a Hero not a Zero! America Is Watching! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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