Presidential Candidates Talk Education in New Hampshire
- by Logan Albright
Today, six of the Republican candidates for president met in New Hampshire for an in depth discussion of K-12 education policy. Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, and Scott Walker each took the stage to talk in depth about their views on the government’s role in education.
It was refreshing to see a forum where each candidate was given forty-five minutes to discuss their platform, contrasted with the debate format that rewarded one-liners and combativeness more than policy solutions. Education is certainly one of the most important issues facing our country, so it’s good to see the bulk of an entire day devoted to it. Read more here...
Michigan Senate Committee Moves Protections for Innocent Property Owners a Step Closer to Passage
- by Jason Pye
The Michigan Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved seven of eight civil asset forfeiture reform bills on Wednesday. The bills, which have been endorsed by a 10,000-member law enforcement organization, will provide meaningful property rights protections for law-abiding citizens, as well as bring uniformity and transparency in state forfeiture law.
In Civil Asset Forfeiture: Grading the States, FreedomWorks gave Michigan a "D" for its current civil asset forfeiture laws. Michigan is different from most states, in that the burden of proof falls on the government, but the standard of evidence needed to subject property to forfeiture is very low. Abuse of the state's forfeiture laws has been covered extensively in the media. Michigan House Republicans, led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Klint Kesto (R-Commerce Township), realized the problems with current law and made reform a priority for the 2015 session. The package of eight forfeiture reforms passed the state House in June with overwhelming support. Read more here...
Chinese Market Drops Despite Government Aid
Hillary Clinton's College Tuition Plan Flunks Econ 101
- by Adam Brandon via Investor's Business Daily
'There ain't no such thing as a free lunch," economist Milton Friedman was fond of saying.
What he meant was that every policy has a cost, and that cost should be carefully considered. It is easy to be deceived by lofty promises while disregarding what it takes to fulfill them.
With her latest proposal for higher education changes, Hillary Clinton is employing the Santa Claus strategy of promising Americans free money in exchange for their votes. Read more here...
Republicans Have Themselves to Blame for Donald Trump
-by Adam Brandon via The Washington Examiner
In a crowded primary field, debates are all about setting yourself apart from the pack. In the first presidential debate hosted by Fox News, Donald Trump certainly did that by being the only candidate not to rule out a third party run should he lose the Republican nomination.
This should be concerning for Republicans. Trump has the money to mount a serious third party campaign, the spoiler effects of which would be obvious in the general election. Everyone remembers what happened with Ross Perot in 1992. The Republican vote was split, and Bill Clinton was elected instead of George H.W. Bush winning a second term. Read more here...
Free Market Health Care Solutions with Dr. C.L. Gray - Part II
Restoring the Sovereignty of the States
- by Ted Abram
America’s Founders feared the arbitrary and coercive powers of government, and constructed our Constitution to limit and disperse those coercive powers, which are often referred to as the checks and balances of our governmental system. The Tenth Amendment is one of the most important checks and balances and is otherwise known as our Bill of Rights. Essentially, the powers not delegated to the United States Federal government by the Constitution are reserved to the States respectively...or to the people.
Unfortunately, our Federal government has coerced (actually bribed the States) to enact legislation that is properly the States' domain. President Obama has accelerated the coercion and bribes within our government, and has recently mandated every state to reduce CO2 emissions from their power plants. Knowing our Constitution does not give him the authority to force States to comply, our President bribed the States with money. Of course, Obama’s bribery monies are the taxes paid by every Federal taxpayer. So, how does our President intend to coerce compliance? Read more here...
Freedom Art: Marc Stolfi
- by Frances Byrd
Marc Stolfi is a master of Liberatchik's goal to #TakeBackOurCulture. Though he has been an active member of Liberatchik for about a year, his personal work has depicted cultural and political transgressions for far longer. We accepted his art based on ideological similarities and the quality of his work, which is both conceptual and realistic. It bridges the gulf between traditional, in style and technique, and contemporary in subject matter and rendering.
Read more here... Costly Regulations Will Reduce Your Retirement Options
- by Logan Albright via The Blaze
The Department of Labor is pushing a new regulation that will limit consumer choice when it comes to retirement savings, and like everything the government does, it’s going to wind up costing you a lot of money.
The rule would impose greater regulations on brokers of retirement accounts such as 401ks and IRAs, to whom people turn for investment advice. Why are stricter rules needed? The proposed rule claims it’s because people generally cannot “prudently manage retirement assets on their own” and therefore the government has to come in and do it for them.
This profoundly condescending attitude is typical of big government regulators. The common man is too dim-witted to function on his own, so he must be controlled. It’s the same sort of reasoning that led to the increased regulations on what kinds of plans insurance companies could offer under the Affordable Care Act, a fact which led John Berlau of the Competitive Enterprise Institute to dub the rule, “Obamacare for your IRA.” Read more here...
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Make freedom work,
Iris Somberg
Press Secretary, FreedomWorks
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