Monday, March 4, 2019

Fwd: KGTP Newsletter - 3 March 2019


I am sending this e-mail out to the list of TEA Party e-mail addresses that I have collected over the past couple of years.  I sent this out to the King George TEA Party membership yesterday and thought it would be something that I ought to send out to a wider audience.

I have noticed that the TEA Party movement needs to be re-energized.  I know that my group's attendance at our monthly meetings has fallen off a bit and I suspect the same has happened elsewhere.  I think one way to get re-energized is to do more information sharing amongst our groups and I am willing to take the lead on that.

If you would like for me to add you to my weekly KGTP Newsletter distro list, please reply to this e-mail.  I will add you to our "active" list.  In like manner, please feel free to add my e-mail to your distro list as well.  Collaboratively I believe that we can continue the efforts we have been working on for the past 10 years.

If you have any questions please feel free to drop me a note.

James Hull
King George TEA Party
King George, Virginia

Begin forwarded message:

From: "James Hull (KGTP)" <>
Subject: KGTP Newsletter - 3 March 2019
Date: March 3, 2019 at 4:38:17 PM EST

Fellow Members of the King George TEA Party:

I'm going to change things up a bit with this week's Newsletter.  As you know, I usually start off with a brief introduction, then outline some important events, and then leave with you with a week's "data dump" of news articles that are relevant to TEA Party interests.  This week's Newsletter is a bit different.  What will remain the same is that I actively encourage you to share this e-mail as you see fit.

Late last week I sent out an e-mail with a link to a FoxNews article authored by Jenny Beth Martin about the TEA Party's tenth anniversary.  I hope you took the time to read it in its entirety.  For those that might have missed it, here is the link again for your review:

The Tea Party is ten years old. Here's what it's accomplished and why defeating socialism is next on its agenda

As you have probably noticed, there is a nexus between what JBM notes as the TEA Party's future focus (clue: read the latter half of the article's title above) and what I have been addressing in these weekly KGTP Newsletters for these past few years: the Socialist efforts to subvert our Republic.  Along that theme I have been very, VERY vocal about how our country's citizen's perspectives are being actively shaped by propaganda and censorship via the "mainstream" media and the tech industry's social media platforms.  The point of JBM's article is found in the last three sentences, quoted here:

"Friedrich Hayek brilliantly argued that the best defense against tyrannical programs is widespread education of what "unfreedom" looks like. Americans can count on the Tea Party to provide exactly that type of education over the next decade.  Our tenth anniversary is an opportunity to celebrate our past victories, while, at the same time, rolling up our sleeves and preparing for the battle of ideas that lies ahead between the retrograde socialist policies and the promotion of individual freedom."

Most all KGTP members are a bit "long in the tooth" and are thus able to see how our country has changed over the past few decades.  Because of our decades of experience we are able to see trends that put us where we are today.  For example, I grew up knowing that Communists were whom we were fighting in Vietnam and I grew up knowing that Ronald Reagan's efforts to defeat the USSR – where the second "S" in USSR stood for Socialist – was a worthy and patriotic crusade.  Fast-forward to today and we have Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and a bevy of others that openly campaign and are currently – CURRENTLY – elected US Government officials.  But like all trends, today is but a moment in time along a trajectory of events.

So if you see that our country is changing and that we are on some kind of "trajectory" you should stop for a moment to ask yourself a simple question:  To where will this trajectory lead?  Believe it or not, history and stories of the past can forecast where America is headed – IF WE ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN.  The TEA Party was instrumental in defeating Barack Obama's many efforts to impose Socialism (Obamacare is the most notable example) and we were the driving force to defeat Hillary Clinton - a would-be Totalitarian by any measure - in the 2016 election.  But if We The People do not continue to successfully defeat their efforts to turn American into the next Socialist state, what will that "look like"?

Socialism is but a halfway point on the road to Communism.  The best example for what life in a Communist state would be like is China.  Would Hayek's description of totalitarian life in China be what "unfreedom" looks like?  More important, is it what We The People want for America, and if not… would that knowledge motivate we Americans to vehemently reject any effort to turn America red?

Peter Navarro is a true expert on China and I encourage you to read any of his fine books on the subject.  One of his books, Death By China: Confronting the Dragon – A Global Call to Action has a Forward authored by Baiqiao Tang, a Tiananmen Square protester and co-author of My Two Chinas: The Memoir of a Chinese Couterrevolutionary, that is quite informative.  It is so powerful, in fact, that I am going to quote much of it for your review.  As you read the below passage you need to ask yourself two questions:

1) Could this happen to America?
2) If it could happen to America, what should We The People do to ensure that it NEVER happens?

"In the late 1980s, China was abuzz with excitement and possibility as new ideas, personal freedoms, and economic opportunities were flowing in from the West like a river to wash away the dirt of Mao's Cultural Revolution.

During these hopeful times, I was among a group of young student leaders who led calls for political reform to match the new thinking and bring China into the modern world with dignity.  We organized rallies and made speeches at schools and squares all across the country, and we fervently believed the top leadership of the Chinese Communist Party would listen.  Instead, our movement was crushed by a wave of tanks and the tragic events of June 4th, 1989 in Tiananmen Square that so many of you watched with horror on television.


Sadly, a whole new generation of Chinese youth knows nothing about what happened at Tiananmen.  While we in the West can freely access the videos and images on the Internet associated with the massacre, all of this content has been ritually 'cleansed' from our Chinese web by a vast army of censors.

I have now spent half my life fighting against such censorship and for freedom and democracy in China.  More than ever, I fervently believe that this is what every thinking person outside of China must clearly understand:  More than two decades after Tiananmen, the totalitarian tiger has still not changed its stripes.  In fact, unlike more stable countries, China's spending on police and social control is now rising even faster than China's skyrocketing defense budget.


Although I miss China, America has become my beloved second home; and the support of my beautiful wife shows me every day why America is the strongest country in the world.  I also see this strength in so many small things in America, like the bumper sticker that reads, 'Freedom Is Not Free.'

I personally know how true that statement really is.  I also know that the cost of freedom isn't always about fighting a military battle.  It also includes the individual, political, and economic sacrifices of peacefully defending human rights and standing up for the principals of liberty and democracy."

So here is your homework assignment.  I have re-printed the two questions posed above with an opportunity for you to supply your answer.  You don't turn this assignment into anyone… but you do owe yourself the answers to these two questions.  If you would like to provide your answers to me, and would also like for me to share your answers with the KGTP Membership, please feel free to let me know.

Q) Could this happen to America?

Q) If it could happen to America, what should We The People do to ensure that it NEVER happens?

And yes, this will be part of our discussion during our monthly meeting THIS Thursday 7 March.

As always, I welcome your questions and comments.

James Hull
King George TEA Party
King George, Virginia

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