Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Middle Peninsula Tea Party Reunion, Picnic & Rally!

Greetings Tea Partiers, Republicans, and Patriots! 

It's time to get back together! Our last MPTP meeting occurred just as the Presidential campaign kicked into high gear in 2016 and we got busy with campaigns & election activities. Then, silly us, we thought we could rest awhile! We owned all three chambers of the federal government! How sweet can it be???  Little did we know Hillary's defeat would incite the left to fight like cornered rats!  Then we witnessed people we thought were on our side align with the swamp! Now the swamp is engaged in a battle against the Trump presidency and the people who put him in office. Here on the Middle Peninsula the 'resistance'  is mobilizing to unite liberal forces eager to usher in their socialist agenda, resist and even impeach our President and further thwart our victory.  We can't just let that happen

 Let's rekindle that fire we felt in our hearts and bellies!  Once again Virginia has an over-abundance of conservatives running for an office!  Corey Stewart, E. W. Jackson, and the new face, Delegate Nick Freitas are all in the GOP race to become the candidate to unseat Senator Tim Kaine. Tim Kaine is flush with money but so was Eric Cantor when Patriots who loved liberty more than big government won a decisive victory! Taking back a Senate seat in Virginia will take a small miracle but we must do all we can to make it happen!  Liberty is worth preserving! 

Please come!

➢ Join together for a simple meal

➢ Hear from our former Tea Party leaders and others

➢ Get inspired and energized to help 'Make the Miracle!'

Who: All Lovers of Liberty! (Patriots, friends, family, neighbors!)

WhenMonday, May 14, 6 - 8 PM

Where: Middlesex Shooting Sports Club (1860 Twiggs Ferry Rd, Hartfield, VA 23071)

 FREE! * 

 I NEED to hear from you!  (to get a count so we'll know how much food we need!)

Looking forward to seeing you all as well as your neighbor or friend! 
 Please pass this invitation/message to your like-minded friends who may have been accidentally overlooked!

Sue Sherrill, MPTP Leader 

* Daddy always said, "Nothing is FREE! Who's paying for it?" So, the answer is It's being paid from funds left from that last MPTP 'Pay What You Think It's Worth' Christmas Dinner!

1 comment:

  1. We in the 99th District Tea Party and the Montross Tea Party would be glad to support you . . . if we had anything with which to support. Sorry, but both of us have shut down for lack of interest.
