Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Was President Obama the 'Greatest President' in USA History?

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Help Define President Obama's Legacy…

Was Barack Obama One of "the Greatest" Presidents in U.S.A History?

It's now been over six month's since the end of the term of President Obama and many political pundits are saying he is "one of the greatest" presidents in our proud country's history.

These presidential scholars point to his creation and passage of ObamaCare, the killing of Osama Bin Ladin and the legalization of same sex marriage as a few of the compelling arguments that put Obama at the top of the list of past Presidents.

Patriot Powered News, in partnership with Tea Party USA, is conducting a brief ONE-question poll asking readers:

VOTE NOW –> Do You Believe President Obama was One of the Greatest Presidents in U.S. History?

The praise for President Obama by his fans has been growing in recent months.

There's actually several petitions to add his face to the National Presidential Monument at Mount Rushmore.

How do you think Obama compares to other great past Presidents such as Washington, Lincoln, Kennedy, Roosevelt and others?

Make Your Voice Heard – Vote on President Obama's Legacy here now!

Thank you.

Keith J.

Editor-at-Large ~ PatriotPoweredNews.com

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