Fellow Members of the King George TEA Party:
The Splash of TEA meeting is about to start. It starts at 7:00 so plan on hitting the Facebook link just before then.
Facebook Live - Virginia TEA PartySplash Of TEA - 7:00 PM Wednesday 16 September 2020
James Hull
King George TEA Party
King George, Virginia
On Sep 14, 2020, at 9:33 PM, James Hull (KGTP) <james@kinggeorgeteaparty.com> wrote:Fellow Members of the King George TEA Party:Most important to put out first is this announcement about THIS Wednesday's Splash Of TEA online meeting. One of the most significant issues this election is that of vote fraud… and this streamed meeting will host two experts talking about that very issue. EVERYONE is strongly encouraged to listen in on this Facebook Live event (and no, you do NOT need a Facebook account to listen in on the discussion):Facebook Live - Virginia TEA PartySplash Of TEA - 7:00 PM Wednesday 16 September 2020The TEA Party is on a roll, folks. Check out what the Portsmouth, Virginia TEA Party are doing:Portsmouth Tea Party Calling for Senator Lucas to be Removed, Police Chief Greene ReinstatedI thought this paragraph was most important because it demonstrates how active and effective the TEA Party has been to address corruption:"Velez said the Portsmouth Tea Party has a plan to stop Lucas. The first step is a petition. If enough people sign the petition, Velez said Lucas will be recalled, resulting in a new election. According to Tim Anderson, another Portsmouth Tea Party leader, the petition only needs 500 more signatures."Again, I am going to change things up a bit. Instead of passing on the latest TEA Party-related news I will just focus on the Republican and Democrat Party platforms as published during their recent conventions. This should help you crystalize the vast chasm between both parties when it comes to America's future.First off, here is the link to President Trump's agenda for his second term:August 23, 2020TRUMP CAMPAIGN ANNOUNCES PRESIDENT TRUMP'S 2ND TERM AGENDA: FIGHTING FOR YOU!Below is the entire Trump agenda. It is pithy, organized, and demonstrates a continued America First perspective. It reminds me of a business plan because it provides enough information describing **what** will be accomplished without itemizing at length **how** things will be done. Within a minute anyone can skim the entire document and get a sense of what issues will be addressed in the next four years. In a nutshell, it is readable by anyone and that lends a sense of transparency in leadership.President Trump: Fighting for You!JOBSCreate 10 Million New Jobs in 10 MonthsCreate 1 Million New Small BusinessesCut Taxes to Boost Take-Home Pay and Keep Jobs in AmericaEnact Fair Trade Deals that Protect American Jobs"Made in America" Tax CreditsExpand Opportunity ZonesContinue Deregulatory Agenda for Energy IndependenceERADICATE COVID-19Develop a Vaccine by The End Of 2020Return to Normal in 2021Make All Critical Medicines and Supplies for Healthcare Workers in The United StatesRefill Stockpiles and Prepare for Future PandemicsEND OUR RELIANCE ON CHINABring Back 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs from ChinaTax Credits for Companies that Bring Back Jobs from ChinaAllow 100% Expensing Deductions for Essential Industries like Pharmaceuticals and Robotics who Bring Back their Manufacturing to the United StatesNo Federal Contracts for Companies who Outsource to ChinaHold China Fully Accountable for Allowing the Virus to Spread around the WorldHEALTHCARECut Prescription Drug PricesPut Patients and Doctors Back in Charge of our Healthcare SystemLower Healthcare Insurance PremiumsEnd Surprise BillingCover All Pre-Existing ConditionsProtect Social Security and MedicareProtect Our Veterans and Provide World-Class Healthcare and ServicesEDUCATIONProvide School Choice to Every Child in AmericaTeach American ExceptionalismDRAIN THE SWAMPPass Congressional Term LimitsEnd Bureaucratic Government Bullying of U.S. Citizens and Small BusinessesExpose Washington's Money Trail and Delegate Powers Back to People and StatesDrain the Globalist Swamp by Taking on International Organizations That Hurt American CitizensDEFEND OUR POLICEFully Fund and Hire More Police and Law Enforcement OfficersIncrease Criminal Penalties for Assaults on Law Enforcement OfficersProsecute Drive-By Shootings as Acts of Domestic TerrorismBring Violent Extremist Groups Like ANTIFA to JusticeEnd Cashless Bail and Keep Dangerous Criminals Locked Up until TrialEND ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION AND PROTECT AMERICAN WORKERSBlock Illegal Immigrants from Becoming Eligible for Taxpayer-Funded Welfare, Healthcare, and Free College TuitionMandatory Deportation for Non-Citizen Gang MembersDismantle Human Trafficking NetworksEnd Sanctuary Cities to Restore our Neighborhoods and Protect our FamiliesProhibit American Companies from Replacing United States Citizens with Lower-Cost Foreign WorkersRequire New Immigrants to Be Able to Support Themselves FinanciallyINNOVATE FOR THE FUTURELaunch Space Force, Establish Permanent Manned Presence on The Moon and Send the First Manned Mission to MarsBuild the World's Greatest Infrastructure SystemWin the Race to 5G and Establish a National High-Speed Wireless Internet NetworkContinue to Lead the World in Access to the Cleanest Drinking Water and Cleanest AirPartner with Other Nations to Clean Up our Planet's OceansAMERICA FIRST FOREIGN POLICYStop Endless Wars and Bring Our Troops HomeGet Allies to Pay their Fair ShareMaintain and Expand America's Unrivaled Military StrengthWipe Out Global Terrorists Who Threaten to Harm AmericansBuild a Great Cybersecurity Defense System and Missile Defense SystemDEFEND AMERICAN VALUESContinue nominating constitutionalist Supreme Court and lower court judgesProtect unborn life through every means availableDefend the freedoms of religious believers and organizationsSupport the exercise of Second Amendment rightsIn stark contrast is the Democrat Party platform. Where the Trump agenda is described above in about two pages and is easily 'digested' by anyone wanting to get a sense of where he is leading the country… the Democrat's platform is a 92-page diatribe. I doubt that even a die-hard Democrat would read the whole thing… and I think that is the point. It smacks of obfuscation because so many special interest nuggets can be buried in the ponderous narrative. Just skimming it reminds me of Nancy Pelosi's famous quote, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it."There is no way I can provide complete analysis of the Democrat's 92-page manifesto. Instead I will provide just the Table of Contents because in form it is similar to President Trump's document. Anyone can skim their Table of Contents and get a good sense of where the Democrats would lead our country… and by doing so I believe the hair will stand up on the back of your neck. To give you a sense of the Democrat's priorities, notice that their section titled "Advancing American Interests" is the absolute last 5 pages of their 92-page document. This is indicative of what we should expect from the Democrats.I highlighted some things that I thought to be the most disturbing. Many of the items below begged the question, "How are you going to do that, Bucko?" Egregious examples include "Guaranteeing Safe Housing for Every American," "Ending Poverty," and "Guaranteeing a Secure and Dignified Retirement" among others. In a word, these three are Socialist agenda items, period. But check it out for your self.August 18, 2020THE 2020 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM2020 Democratic Party PlatformPROTECTING AMERICANS AND RECOVERING FROM THE COVID-19 PANDEMICBUILDING A STRONGER, FAIRER ECONOMYProtecting Workers and Families and Creating Millions of Jobs Across AmericaRaising Wages and Promoting Workers' RightsEnacting Robust Work-Family PoliciesInvesting in the Engines of Job CreationBuilding A Fair System of International Trade for Our WorkersPutting Homeownership in Reach and Guaranteeing Safe Housing for Every AmericanLeveling the Economic Playing FieldReforming the Tax Code to Benefit Working FamiliesCurbing Wall Street AbusesEnding PovertyProtecting Consumer Rights and PrivacyTackling Runaway Corporate ConcentrationGuaranteeing a Secure and Dignified RetirementACHIEVING UNIVERSAL, AFFORDABLE, QUALITY HEALTH CARESecuring Universal Health Care Through a Public OptionBringing Down Drug Prices and Taking on the Pharmaceutical IndustryReducing Health Care Costs and Improving Health Care QualityExpanding Access to Mental Health and Substance Use TreatmentExpanding Long-Term Care Services and SupportsEliminate Racial, Gender, and Geographic Health InequitiesProtecting Native American HealthSecuring Reproductive Health, Rights, and JusticeProtecting and Promoting Maternal HealthProtecting LGBTQ+ HealthStrengthening and Supporting the Health Care WorkforceInvesting in Health Science and ResearchPROTECTING COMMUNITIES AND BUILDING TRUST BY REFORMING OUR CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMHEALING THE SOUL OF AMERICAProtecting Americans' Civil RightsAchieving Racial Justice and EquityProtecting Women's RightsProtecting LGBTQ+ RightsProtecting Disability RightsHonoring Indigenous Tribal NationsEnding Violence Against WomenEnding the Epidemic of Gun ViolenceSupporting Faith and ServiceSupporting Press FreedomSupporting the Arts and CultureCOMBATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS AND PURSUING ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICERESTORING AND STRENGTHENING OUR DEMOCRACYProtecting and Enforcing Voting RightsReforming the Broken Campaign Finance SystemBuilding an Effective, Transparent Federal GovernmentMaking Washington, D.C. the 51st StateGuaranteeing Self-Determination for Puerto RicoSupporting the U.S. TerritoriesStrengthening the U.S. Postal ServiceCREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEMPROVIDING A WORLD-CLASS EDUCATION IN EVERY ZIP CODEGuaranteeing Universal Early Childhood EducationSupporting High-Quality K-12 Schools Across AmericaMaking Higher Education Affordable and AccessibleProviding Borrowers Relief from Crushing Student DebtRENEWING AMERICAN LEADERSHIPRevitalizing American DiplomacyRebuilding America's Tool of First ResortReinventing AlliancesInternational InstitutionsForeign Assistance and DevelopmentTransforming Our Armed Forces for the 21st centuryEnding Forever WarsSecuring our Competitive EdgeDefense SpendingKeeping Faith with Our Veterans and Military FamiliesCivil-Military RelationsMobilizing the World to Address Transnational ChallengesGlobal Health and PandemicsClimate ChangeTechnologyNonproliferationTerrorismDemocracy and Human RightsAdvancing American InterestsGlobal Economy and TradeAfricaAmericasAsia-PacificEuropeMiddle EastAs always, I welcome any questions or comments you may have.
James HullKing George TEA PartyKing George, VirginiaRob Wittman addressing the KGTP on 3 September.<Wittman Speaking.jpeg>
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