Saturday, November 16, 2013

Last Call!

Last call for donations to LifeNews!

Dear Readers,

We want to thank those of you who made donations to support LifeNews during our November fundraising campaign. Because of the generosity you showed us, we're at 86% of the $25,000 we hoped to raise.

With your additional support, we can close the gap and bring in 100% of our goal.

On behalf of LifeNews and the many writers and bloggers who provide news, opinion and analysis on pro-life issues at, I want to genuinely thank you for your support. We understand not all of you can donate and we certainly respect that.

But so many of you have helped us with your sacrificial donations and, for that, we're truly thankful.

We also understand that families are facing greater costs themselves these days, especially the cost of health insurance because of the Obamacare law. So many of you emailed in response to our donation campaign saying that your health care costs have risen since Obamacare went into effect and, for that reason, you can't donate as much as you'd like or at all.

At LifeNews, our own health care costs have increased by one-third and we are also dealing with a cancellation of health insurance. So please know we can understand and empathize with the situations many of you face.

But in the face of Obamcare, abortion funding, health care rationing, Planned Parenthood pushing abortion and myriad of challenges we face as a pro-life community, we press on.

Because of your support, LifeNews is leading the way in reporting on the new 20-week abortion ban in the U.S. Senate. LifeNews has also featured numerous articles on the late-term abortion ban residents of Albuquerque, New Mexico will vote on this week that we're hopeful will produce a HUGE pro-life victory by stopping one of the biggest late-term abortion clinics in the nation.

And although we face so many battles on the pro-life front, there are so many victories or celebrations of life we love to bring you at LifeNews. Whether it is the beautiful video of the twins who "haven't realized they're born" or #Batkid saving San Franciso, LifeNews is building a respect for human life.

Thank you again for the support and, one last time, if you haven't had a chance to donate, please help us get to 100%. Please support LifeNews today with the largest donation you can.

Sincerely for Life,

Steven Ertelt, Editor

P.S. To make a donation, just head to our easy online donation page that will take you to two different options to make an online donation with your credit card or an electronic debit transaction. Or, you can fill out the form following this letter and mail a check to us (US readers only please).

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