The House Of Cards Is Crumbling Friend, Yesterday, the President ate a big piece of humble pie, taking ownership for misleading the American people on his presidency's signature piece of legislation. The repeated failures have called into question whether or not the bill can even survive and has members of his own party voicing their concern. President Clinton lead off the parade of dissent when he said that he thought the President should honor his commitments and allow people to keep their healthcare plans if they desired. This attack from an "ally" sent the White House scrambling. In President Obama's press conference yesterday, he laid out a number of fixes that he thinks will undo the mess he made. Not so fast Mr. President. Reacting to the plans, liberal Gov. Howard Dean questioned if the President even had the legal authority to carry out his plans and suggested that Obamacare may be dead! Thanks to the efforts of grassroots conservatives like yourself, the pressure on the President and his team have been stiffling. Our early and repeated warnings about the dangers and inefficiencies of Obamacare are being realized and the pain is starting to be felt by millions of Americans. However, this fight is far from over. The President will stop at nothing to salvage the crown jewel of his presidency, even if that means higher costs and dropped coverage for upwards of 9% of Americans! We can't take our foot off the gas pedal! We are currently teaming up with the nation's largest Tea Party organization,, in Washington, D.C. to continually put pressure on legislators to defeat Obamacare. Now, we must rally together and demand that Obamacare be repealed and replaced. Join us and make a donation to the Contract From America today! This current fight could not be more critical and we will NOT succeed if you aren't with us every step of the way. From the grassroots activists to Contract signers on Capitol Hill, if we do not continue to speak with a united voice, we will crumble just like Obamacare currently is. So stand with us and make your voice heard! Donate to the Contract From America NOW! In Freedom, Contract From America Team | |
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